Creativity Australia: unlocking creative potential in the workplace

At Creativity Australia and Creative Universe we believe that creativity is the strategic tool of the 21st century. Creativity offers the answers to many of the big issues we face in these unprecedented times, because it can help unlock our full human potential and connect us to others.

Doing so can develop stronger communication and problem solving skills, and thereby foster sustainable levels of motivation and wellbeing at a personal and organisational level. This will in turn lead to greater levels of engagement and innovation in organisations, and an enhanced ability to make a contribution to our society rather than just focussing on profits.

Barriers to a creative future

One of the challenges businesses face today is overcoming the barriers to stimulating creativity and innovation. We need to create opportunities for individuals and communities to connect with one another in new and meaningful ways, and to share and develop new ideas.

In the face of competitive and economic pressures, many organisations are convinced that creativity and innovation are the keys to success. Often there is no clear pathway for nurturing, developing and celebrating ideas – those with ideas are ignored or stifled, so that eventually their voices and ideas fall silent.

The barriers are ever-present. We live in a world where computers, the internet, image and celebrities take us further away from connecting with one another meaningfully. We need to nurture the attributes of human beings that set us apart from machines.

Unlocking your innovation capability

Creativity Australia and Creative Universe are developing a suite of unique customised leadership and wellbeing programs to unlock the creative potential lying dormant within all of us.

Creative Universe presents Inspiring Minds for an outperformance culture. The Inspiring Minds programs facilitate unique, creative experiences, executive leadership, training, and break-outs for strategy days, conferences, retreats and meetings.

Programs can be customised to achieve key business outcomes, including healing stressed and newly integrated teams, developing strategies to build a culture of innovation, and helping managers to become visionary leaders. Programs are designed to ensure everyone steps out of their comfort zones and participates, learns and grows together.

Creative Innovation 2010

Creativity is increasingly of strategic value to nations such as Australia in making the transition to innovation and knowledge-based economies. Creativity and innovation are also vital for businesses exposed to the rapidly expanding marketplace, globalisation, increasing competition, diversity among consumers and rapidly changing technology.

Creative Universe will present Creative Innovation 2010 from 8-10 September in Melbourne. This is the place to learn from world changing innovators, futurists, inspired thinkers and curious souls gathered together in an interactive community. It’s a place to learn techniques and strategies, unlock and share ideas and gain empowering experiences – a place to imagine the future.

People are no longer willing to separate their values from their work. There is a yearning to align life purpose with work to make it meaningful. Work is meaningful when all of our self is engaged and challenged, and we add to the quality of life of those around us. Then we can truly start to innovate!

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