Sydney, AUSTRALIA – 8 February 2022 — Ahead of International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8, we are the mainstream has announced its inaugural event as a symposium for First Nations, Women of Colour and Gender Diverse People of Colour to celebrate and elevate their voices and visibility, while nurturing community and collective healing.
The collective of First Nations, gender diverse, non-binary, trans-women and women of colour, will run the event entirely online to minimise exposure to COVID-19 for those in our community who are most vulnerable. It is also a way of breaking down borders to welcome Black, Indigenous and Women of Colour (BIWoC) to attend and participate no matter where they are.
With a considered line-up of advocates, educators and thought leaders, WATM will facilitate a day-long program for meaningful conversations around identities and how communities of colour continue to survive and thrive in the face of pandemic-related restrictions, White supremacy and heteropatriarchy.
The event will place on March 26, purposefully selected to coincide with the week of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Priyanka Bromhead, Founder of we are the mainstream, said, “Our priority is to ensure that the event is a safe space that reflects the diversity of voices and experiences that underpins contemporary society today. No longer is it acceptable to put all women under the same umbrella, and celebrate IWD at the expense of those silenced by systemic imbalances. It is imperative that conversations around women’s rights extend into broader conversations about race, class, ability, sexuality, religion and gender distinction.”
“The intention is to reinvest back into our communities and have the event be a vehicle for BIWoC and those most marginalised to be celebrated, acknowledged and heard.”
This year, the event is generously supported by Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRs) and Scarred Tree Ministries. It is also in sponsorship with Sydney Water to improve water education in the community, with a writing workshop, discussion around the connection to Country and performances thematically connected to abundance and water as part of the program.
International Women’s Day | Only Abundance
Date and time: Saturday March 26, 8am-6pm
Tickets: Prices start at $50. Sliding scale and Pay It Forward options are also available.
Full program: for ticket holders via email and on website
Yatungka Gordon & Amani Haydar | Dealing and healing from domestic and family violence
Yatungka, an advocate and Domestic and Family Violence practitioner, and Amani, artist, writer and one with lived experience will navigate the ins and outs of living, dealing and healing through DFV.
Raisera McCulloch | Decolonising wealth
Raisera, a philanthropist and deconstructer with over 20 years in the industry will lead a discussion on what it means to decolonise our concept of wealth, capital and power in a society that screams for more of each.
Talica Tamanitoakula + April Hélène-Horton | Women of Colour and social media use
Learn about cybersafety, advocating and elevating your personal brand and understanding how to be a good digital citizen.
Priyanka Bromhead | Writing Workshop
Writing, creating and publishing using multilingual techniques. Join Priyanka as we workshop ideas on only abundance and create short prose and poetry pieces for a short publication.
Amao Leota Lu | Sophisticated Ladies
Hear the voices of trans women identities from different cultures speak through a panel discussion of storytelling and performance via a 90 minute presentation plus question time.
“Sophisticated Ladies” hinges on the narratives of trans women of colour experiences. The session will weave the tapestry of intersectionality through a discussion via a queer lense with some of our strengths and challenges and what empowers us to thrive. It will look deeply into how individuals dissect and are able to decolonise some of their own thoughts and practices
Sharlotte Tusasiirwe + Team | Preserving culture through parenting
Sharlotte is interested in researching how cultural and Indigenous knowledges can be a central part in our education systems where our children spend most of their time. Sharlotte and her team of academic colleagues will discuss resisting assimilation and reclaiming and preserving culture through parenting.
Off-Site historical walking tour of Glebe
Lourdes Antenor is an experienced writer who specialises in the not-for-profit sector and its affiliations. She is the content producer for Third Sector News, an online knowledge-based platform for and about the Australian NFP sector.
- Lourdes Antenor
- Lourdes Antenor
- Lourdes Antenor
- Lourdes Antenor