
Collaboration delivering a public economy

Professor Peter Shergold has observed a fundamental shift in the relationship between the public, private and third sectors over the past few decades, and shares with Third Sector his vision for a functional and beneficial harmony between all three.

New world: how NFPs can survive in a solution economy

A multitude of technological advancements in recent years has changed the landscape of not-for-profit operations. William Eggers, Research Director, Public Sector Industry at Deloitte, speaks with Third Sector about the emergence of the ‘solution economy’, and how the sector will need to adapt.

Sue Hunt: Fundraising for the future

For over a century, The Royal Children’s Hospital has provided care for Victorian children and their families, building a reputation as a leading specialist paediatric hospital. Third Sector recently spoke with Sue Hunt, Executive Director (CEO) of the hospital’s fundraising arm, The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation, to discuss how she came to be involved with the organisation and what lies ahead.

Bridging the gap between business and NFPs

Since 1998, the ISIS Group has been providing services to people living in poverty in Nepal and Uganda using a unique dual model that incorporates both a business and not-for-profit component. Audette Exel, a founder of the ISIS Group, explains to Third Sector how not-for-profits can successfully partner with business to achieve greater social impact.

Leadership insights: Finance

Third Sector spoke with three not-for-profit finance professionals to gain their insights on the financial challenges and innovations currently impacting the sector.

Strategic approaches to ICT selection

With new technology and trends popping up every month, it is easy to get caught up in the latest hype, but strong leadership in ICT management requires a strategic approach to ensure you’re making the best decision about what your organisation needs.

No free ride: getting serious about social media

Social media has caused the most upheaval in terms of online technology developments in recent years. Its evolution means that in order to benefit from it, organisations need to seriously consider adding social media into their budgets.

Reporting for good governance

Boards have a strategic role looking after the long-term interests of the organisation and it’s imperative that they’re equipped with the right reports to support that role.