Award-winning social enterprise urges Australians to reach out and ‘Share a Plate’

share a plate

Award winning social enterprise Beehive Industries has delivered a Christmas message about everyone’s right to a meal and social engagement.

Beehive CEO Brendan Lonergan is calling on the community to demonstrate its compassion and inclusion this year.

“Social isolation is particularly heightened over the Christmas period,” explains Lonergan. “We’re bombarded by messages of gatherings, happy families and good cheer, and yet that’s not the reality for many people in Australia.”

Research shows that more than 40% of the people in the City of Sydney live alone, and while some live healthy, active lives in touch with neighbours and local community, many are at risk of being cut off from society, which comes with significant mental and physical effects. It’s a major issue within our modern ‘connected’ society, and frankly, it’s one that’s getting worse.

The winner of Third Sector’s 2018 CEO of the Year and UTS’s Alumni ‘Community Award’ for 2019, Lonergan has teamed up with Masterchef All Star celebrity and Beehive Ambassador Kumar Pereira to deliver a dedicated ‘Share a Plate’ cooking event to share the important ‘inclusion’ message. Together, they’re passionate about making sure no one is left behind this Christmas due to isolation.

“As part of World Human Rights Day, we’re keen to encourage Australians to look out for others, and ensure they’re getting the physical and mental sustenance they need. We see social engagement and interaction as a basic human right for all,” he said.

The ‘Share a Plate’ cooking event has been held as part of Beehive’s ‘Low Cost Meals for Seniors’ program, which aims to teach seniors and disadvantaged Australians how to cook.

Taught by Kumar Pereira, the program was established to provide simple yet healthy and delicious one-pot meals for those who have a lack of ability in the kitchen.

“We’re encouraging all our participants to make a little more, so they can share a plate and show we care,” says Pereira. “This Christmas, share a meal and start a conversation with someone suffering from isolation.”

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