Stephanie Chan

New guide on trade practices

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has produced the Professions and the Trade Practices Act – a guide to enhance individual professionals and their associations’ understanding of their trade practices responsibilities.

Report highlights the need for more volunteers

A new survey of community organisations from Volunteering Australia and National Australia Bank (NAB), released in May 2010, found that 91 per cent of organisations currently have volunteers assisting in their organisation.

ThirdSector Women’s Leadership Seminar

The Third Sector Women’s Leadership Seminar will bring established and aspiring women in Australia’s not-for-profit industry together, providing a forum for women to hear from mentors, discuss ideas and network.

NFP women on the global stage

Gender equality was the cause under discussion at the United Nations 54th Commission on the Status of Women. Third Sector caught up with representatives from Australia’s not-for-profit sector who attended the Commission.

Third Sector - News, Leadership and Professional Development