Melanie Ryan

Women in governance: empowering women in the Pacific

Many countries are celebrating growing numbers of women in political life, however the Pacific Islands continue to have the poorest level of women’s participation in municipal governance. The International Women’s Development Agency reports on their efforts to change this.

Member communication: the Australian Counselling Association

The Australian Counselling Association prides itself on its high member base and strong member relations. CEO Philip Armstrong speaks with Emily Hollosy about the reasons behind its success, and how putting in that extra effort can go a long way.

International education on the Gold Coast

Reflections on the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education’s 2010 Conference and Exhibition from Klara Vida, Communications Manager at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.

In the spotlight… Australian General Practice Network

The purpose of our network is to…

The Australian General Practice Network (AGPN) aims to improve the co-ordination of the health and wellbeing of the community through supporting general practice and other primary health care programs.

Third Sector - News, Leadership and Professional Development