Applications open for 2011 Sydney Leadership program

Sydney Leadership offers a challenging learning experience, using the Adaptive Leadership model developed at Harvard University, for up to 30 big-thinking, talented individuals from across the business, government and not-for-profit sectors.

Over the last thirteen years, it has created a strong track record for developing its participants’ skills to lead positive change – in themselves, in their organisations and in their communities.

The program will appeal to people with vision, strong personal values and a commitment to give something back to the community.

Social Leadership Australia invites you to one of our two free information sessions about Sydney Leadership to discover more about how its unique approach to learning is transforming our leaders.

  • Tuesday 28th September 7.30-9.00am
  • Monday 18th October 6.30-8.00pm

Applications close on Friday 12th November 2010, and the program commences Thursday 10th March 2011.

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Third Sector - News, Leadership and Professional Development