The Atlantic Philanthropies’ $27.5 million gift to QLD

The latest gift from The Atlantic Philanthropies brings the group’s total commitment to QIMR to $57 million over the last 10 years. Previous support led to the construction of QIMR’s Clive Berghofer Cancer Research Centre which was opened in 2001. The Atlantic Philanthropies has also been a strong supporter of several pioneering medical research projects including the grant for cellular therapies to treat cancer.

“We are grateful and delighted with the continued support of The Atlantic Philanthropies, but the size of this support is almost overwhelming,” said QIMR Director Professor Michael Good.

The latest donation of AUD$27.5 million was triggered by Federal Government Education Infrastructure funding of $55 million announced in the recent Federal Budget. Together with $55 million previously received from the federal government in 2007 and $35 million promised by the Queensland State Government, this funding will allow construction of the new building to begin in October 2009.

Upon completion in early 2012, the facility will accommodate 20 new research laboratories and attract an additional 400 scientists and students, increasing QIMR’s staff capacity by more than 60 per cent to around 1200.

Chuck Feeney, founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, has been involved in the conceptualisation and planning of the new building for some time. He also played an active role in encouraging financial support from both the Federal and State governments.

QIMR’s major areas of research activity are infectious diseases, cancer and cell biology, human genetics and population studies, therapeutic development, clinical research and immunology.

About QIMR
QIMR is one of Australia’s largest and most successful medical research institutes. Our researchers are investigating the genetic and environmental causes of more than 40 diseases as well as developing new diagnostics, better treatments and prevention strategies. The Institute’s diverse research program extends from tropical diseases to cancers to indigenous health, mental health, obesity, HIV and asthma.

More information about QIMR can be found at

About The Atlantic Philanthropies
The Atlantic Philanthropies is dedicated to bringing about lasting changes in the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people. Atlantic focuses on four critical social problems – Aging, Disadvantaged Children and Youth, Population Health, and Reconciliation and Human Rights. Programs funded by Atlantic operate in Australia, Bermuda, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United States and Vietnam.

To learn more, please visit

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