ACOSS urges budget reform to assist disadvantaged Australians

Under the ACOSS proposal, Newstart Allowance payments for single people would rise by $45 to $276 per week.

“An extra $45 per week would assist people without work to pay for the rising costs of groceries, rent and power. These essential items cost the same whether you are on a pension or on Newstart,” said Clare Martin, CEO of ACOSS.

“The economy may be in recovery, but unemployed Australians still need help to move into work and an adequate income while they look for work. The payment is currently a paltry $33 per day.”

ACOSS said that a paid work experience program would significantly improve job prospects while the economy recovers. Designed to transition participants into mainstream employment, this program aims to improve confidence on the job, skills, and networks that will assist with job searching.

The proposals are part of the council’s recommendations to the Federal Government for the 2010-11 Budget. Other proposals include implementing universal dental care and a housing affordability package.

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