ACNC offers free monthly webinars for charities

The monthly webinars will cover a number of different topics to support charities that are registered with the ACNC. They will include practical examples and a Q&A session.

The next webinar is scheduled for 20 April 2015, and will focus on helping charities to manage their obligations to the ACNC via the online Charity Portal.

Susan Pascoe, Commissioner of the ACNC, said that the series of webinars are particularly beneficial for those in remote areas, to communicate directly with ACNC staff, have access to topical information and ask questions in real time.

“Since the establishment of the ACNC, we have been committed to providing education, guidance and advice to help registered charities comply with their obligations.

“The series of webinars build on the Facebook sessions we have run in the past and complement the existing web content, factsheets, guides, podcasts, and videos produced by the ACNC to date,” said Ms Pascoe.

The webinars are free to attend, but places are limited, so registration is essential.

Other topics scheduled for later in the year are likely to include:

  • Managing your charity through the ACNC Charity Portal
  • Reporting to the ACNC – the Annual Information Statement
  • Meeting the governance standards
  • What to do before applying to be a registered charity
  • Obligations of newly registered charities
  • The roles and responsibilities of new charity board members.
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