
Greater Charitable Foundation’s annual funding round opens

Charities have the opportunity to obtain funding for programs that will make a difference to the lives of families and communities in NSW and southern Queensland.

The Greater Charitable Foundation’s annual funding round has now opened.

CEO Anne Long said the Foundation will fund programs for between $50,000 and $350,000 lasting for up to three years.

“The Greater Charitable Foundation supports charities which are working to improve people’s life outcomes and deliver long-lasting change in our communities,” Long said.

Since it was established in 2011 the Foundation has provided 20 charity partners with more than $5 million. Some of the current partners include Starlight Children’s Foundation, McGrath Foundation, Clontarf Foundation, Harry Meyn Foundation and OzHarvest.

The Foundation is funded from the profits of the Greater Bank. Long said as well as providing funding, the Foundation arranges for Greater Bank staff to volunteer with the charity partner. She said last year, 230 Greater staff volunteered, often more than once and for more than one charity.

“The Foundation is another way Greater Bank gives back to the community,” she said.

Expressions of interest close on March 20. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit final proposals by early June. Successful partners will be announced in late-July.

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