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Significant announcements for AuSAE

2 min read

The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Society of Association Executives was conducted at Rydges Bell City, Preston, Victoria on Thursday 29 April.

A networking dinner followed the meeting, in a great spirit of fun and informality. Networking is an important part of AuSAE, as many executive officers of smaller associations work in relative isolation, and even CEOs of medium-large organisations need to make time to meet up with their peers.

A number of significant points discussed were discussed over the duration of the evening.


AuSAE is moving towards internationalisation, with ANZi (our NZ sister) agreeing to merge with AuSAE to form the Australasian Society.

To assist this transition, the President of ANZi Nick Hill has now been appointed as a Director of AuSAE. AuSAE will alter its constitution to enable South East Asian countries or regions to become involved in a wider-reaching AuSAE.

Internal changes and increased growth

After a somewhat disrupted 2007–08 with several changes of secretariat, AuSAE is back on track both financially and with membership growth.

Chapter leaders in each state are now working towards full programs, and a number of excellent events have been conducted over the last twelve months. A change of auditor was effected, to reduce costs and increase convenience.

Certified Association Executive accreditation

The Certified Association Executive (CAE) accreditation has been developed in Canada by our partner society, the CSAE, and is offered by AuSAE to its members. The program consists of five twelve-week modules which can be undertaken remotely, using an internet form, texts and assignments. Within the program, students cover the 40 ‘competencies’ expected in a well-rounded association executive.

During the networking dinner, Felicity Shiel-Jones was presented with her CAE certificate. Felicity is an association management specialist. She works for Professional Association Management Services, where she co-ordinates the activities of several not-for-profit organisations, including Business and Professional Women Australia, and Smart Grid Australia. Felicity completed her five modules in succession, and so completed the course in less than two years. Quite a commitment!

AuSAE congratulates Felicity on her achievement, and encourages others to undertake this excellent program.

AuSAE hopes to announce some scholarships for interested CAE participants in the near future.

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