ACNC charity tick of approval

In November the ACNC will officially release the ACNC Charity Tick of approval. Available to registered charities, the Tick aims to gives reassurance to the donating public that the charity is transparent and accountable by highlighting its presence on the ACNC Charity Register.

The ACNC said, “We hope that the Charity Tick will have a positive effect on public trust and confidence in the charity sector. Charities currently have the option of using a line of approved text to show that they are registered with the ACNC – the Charity Tick is a graphical representation of this same fact.”

Charities that want to take advantage of the Charity Tick will soon have access to it in ACNC’s Charity Portal. Charities using the Tick will be bound by terms and conditions of use, as well as usage guidelines. These terms of use and guidelines will be released shortly.

Instances of misuse of the Charity Tick (for example, where organisations falsely present themselves as registered charities) will be monitored by the ACNC which will act to prevent misuse.

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