Foundation aims to raise $1 million in two weeks


The Priceline Sisterhood Foundation is aiming to raise $1 million in two weeks for the five charity partners it supports.

The foundation has kicked off its second annual two-week event and aims to almost double last year’s effort. 100 per cent of funds raised by the foundation are passed onto the charities.

“We are proud to be raising much needed funds and awareness for the Priceline Sisterhood Foundation. The fantastic result we saw last year proves that it resonates with our customers who are willing to support such a great cause and for that we are so grateful,” said Stephen Roche, CEO Priceline Pharmacy.

Since the Priceline Sisterhood Foundation began in 2011 $2.1 million has been raised for its charity partners which support women and their families; with $600,000 of that raised in last year’s event.

The charities include: Alzheimer’s Australia, Children First Foundation, Look Good Feel Better, Hear to Listen and Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA).

Patron of the Foundation, Ita Buttrose, said “The Sisterhood is unique – it is aligned to a range of causes to which all women can relate in some way and this enables us to touch the lives of people from all walks of life.”

The event finishes on 11 October 2016.

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