Ovarian Cancer Australia calls for Malcolm Turnbull to “match it”


Jane Hill is the CEO of Ovarian Cancer Australia (OCA) and has 20 years experience in the not-for-profit sector.

Hill said her passion for the NFP sector stems from her upbringing and her family’s commitment to giving back to the community.

Hill studied law originally but was more motivated towards social causes and seeing what she could achieve in the NFP sector, particularly those that surround health issues.

OCA’s vision is to save lives and that no women with ovarian cancer should walk alone.

“Everyday I get to meet these amazing women who despite having a bleak diagnosis, undertake fundraising and advocacy in the hope that other women don’t have to go through what they do,” said Hill.

Hill said that up till now the government has provided very little funding, however Bill Shorten committed $8 million to fund OCA’s National Action Plan for Ovarian Cancer Research if he was elected as Prime Minister. Shorten was not elected but the organisation has launched a ‘match it Malcolm’ social media campaign.

“We are calling for the coalition to match the investment. I am really determined, we have big plans coming up,” she said.

As part of developing a new strategic plan, OCA is reviewing its core values.

“We just had a strategic planning workshop which has given us the opportunity to look at values that are meaningful to our staff and in tune with what we are hearing from the women,” said Hill.

“We are very consumer driven. We listen to what the women want and we deliver that.

“It is really important for us to align all of our activities to what is actually needed out there.”

Hill said that resilience is key when dealing with an illness such as Ovarian Cancer.

“You have to have resilience because it is sometimes bleak- but I will continue the fight to get much better outcomes for women,” she said.

OCA is very dependent on donations from generous benefactors. Hill said that it is extremely important to treat donors well, including thanking them for their gifts and explaining how they are making a difference.

“The challenge is to engage more with our donors,” said Hill.

“If you look after the donors you have already got- it is quite possible that they can give you more.

“It is much easier to keep a donor than to get a new one.”

Hill said that OCA’s main focus and aim for the future is to save women’s lives.

“Our goal by the year 2025 is to reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer by 25 per cent,” said Hill.

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