NFP sector assembles to discuss innovation

Leaders from the sector joined to discuss how innovation is core to a successful NFP at an industry event held last week.

Speakers at Akolade’s ‘Innovative Business Models for NFPs’ event included leaders from peak organisations Movember, Save The Children and Community Council for Australia.

David Crosbie CEO Community Council for Australia said, “More for-profits are competing to achieve income from what were NFP markets.”

How to work with corporates was a core topic discussed at the event.

Jason Gerrard, Director of Shared Value for Save the Children said that choosing partners that share the same values as your organisation is imperative to be successful. “A lot of companies are trying to understand the purpose of what they are doing,” he said. “You need to work with people who are excited because you won’t get around the people who aren’t.”

Social enterprises were also a core topic discussed by the speakers with some saying that not all social enterprises are good or needed. “There are a lot of terrible social enterprises out there,” said Tom Dawkins, CEO, Start Some Good.

Valuing the importance of Gen Y within the NFP sector is highly important said Tim Mathews National President of UN Youth Australia. “You have to relate to the personal circumstances of young people,” said Mathews.

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