McCrindle: Top five tips for engaging charitable givers


McCrindle has released its annual Australian Community Trends Report, which provides an analysis of the social context in which the NFP sector is operating.

“Today’s emerging generations are global, social, visual and technological. They are the most connected, educated and sophisticated generations ever with influence beyond their years,” said the report. “It is essential that not-for-profit organisations understand these next generations and how to involve them.”

McCrindle released five top tips for engaging the next generation of charitable givers, derived from their study.

1. Developing trust is key: The report found that trust is key to engaging with the next generation of donors. Potential supporters need to trust the organisation and believe in the work they are doing before they will open up their wallets to donate.

2. Utilise peer to peer fundraising: Generations Y and Z respond well to peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. This could include sponsoring a friend in a fun run or giving through a specific landing webpage tailored to the fundraising efforts of a friend or family member. Equipping existing supporters to engage with their own networks is key to connecting with potential supporters.

3. Focus on the relationship, not the transaction: To engage charitable givers with an organisation, those in Gen Y and Z appreciate a giving relationship rather than giving that focuses on transactions. This could include engaging with supporters through social media, in a non-invasive way that still builds the relationship. Thanking supporters for their donation is also key to having an ongoing relationship with them.

4. Be upfront about financial costs: Due to the media exposing charities that have not been transparent with their finances, charitable givers are becoming savvier and concerned about where their money is going. Charities that provide regular communication and measurable results of where donations are going and what is being achieved through them will be preferred by the next generation of charitable givers.

5. Offer flexible giving options: The ACT report in 2015 found that Australians are moving more from regular to sporadic giving and are moving away from giving with a longer term commitment in favour of giving when it suits them or when they have a bit of extra money in their budget. Providing a number of options of how to give is key to engage current supporter

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