Community Sector Banking offers fellowships for leaders in NFP sector

Fellowship opportunities are available for leaders in the sector.

Leaders in the not-for-profit sector are being encouraged to apply for the Community Sector Banking Churchill Fellowships – to ensure the sustainability and longevity of the sector – by Tuesday 30 April.

Community Sector Banking has sponsored two new Churchill Fellowships – specifically to support and strengthen leaders in the Australian not-for-profit sector. The long term aim of these two Fellowship opportunities is to help prepare and strengthen the Australian not-for-profit sector for future success and long-term viability.

The first Fellowship will support the development of leadership skills and people and culture programs so future challenges can be met across the not-for-profit sector. The second Fellowship is open for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to explore positive interactions and outcomes between Indigenous peoples and communities and the not-for-profit sector.

“Knowledge gained from this unique opportunity will put us on the front foot in anticipating what may lie ahead for the sector in Australia,” said Andrew Cairns, CEO of Community Sector Banking.

“In addition to sharing their findings broadly with the Australian not-for-profit sector, the Churchill Fellows will be offered a variety of engagement opportunities with Community Sector Banking. This will include invitations to present their findings at Community Sector Banking Board meetings, conferences, and other networking events.”

The Churchill Fellowships are awarded annually to talented Australians who are passionate about challenging the status quo and making a positive impact on our society. After observing leading practice overseas, recipients apply their learnings locally to help strengthen the Australian not-for-profit sector.

“A Churchill Fellowship is a life changing experience available to Australians from all walks of life. We look forward to awarding and sharing the findings of the two new Community Sector Banking Churchill Fellows, and welcome all those passionate about the not-for-profit sector to apply,” said Adam Davey, CEO of the Churchill Trust.

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