National Disability Services release paper showing potential scale of economic benefits


National Disability Services and Every Australian Counts have released a paper showing the potential scale of the economic benefits the NDIS will bring to Queensland.

New economic modelling forecasts the impact the NDIS will have on Queensland Gross State Product when fully implemented and details the potential for increased labour force participation of people with disability and their carers.

In Queensland the NDIS will support between 5,000 and 8,000 people with disability to find work as well as support 7,000 carers to return to the workforce.

It will also create additional jobs in the Queensland disability service sector.

Every Australian Counts Campaign Director, John Della Bosca said, “This report proves the NDIS is not just a socially responsible scheme, it’s what Australia needs. The economic benefits cannot be denied.”

The report uses ABS data on numbers of people with disability who would like to work but because of various restrictions have been unable to. The report also uses data of carers who desire to return to the workforce but cannot now because of their caring responsibility.

The modelling is based on an ABS survey of over 75,000 people with disability and their carers. It is the largest sample survey conducted by the ABS.

Queensland State Manager for National Disability Services, Richard Nelson, said “Every month I meet Queenslanders with disability who are excited about the opportunity to work that the NDIS presents. This economic modelling shows that their employment goals can be a reality and contribute to growing Queensland’s Gross State Product.

“The NDIS will begin in Queensland from 1 July this year. Socially and economically, this cannot come soon enough.”

Della Bosca said, “The NDIS will not only make a huge difference to lives of 460,000 Australians with permanent and significant disability but will boost the Australian economy significantly.”

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