Taronga Conservation Society announces partnership with The Star casino

Taronga Conservation Society Australia has announced a three year partnership with Sydney’s Star casino.

The partnership will see The Star donate $1.5 million over three years to support wildlife conservation programs, as well as key fundraising and volunteer initiatives.

“We are delighted to partner with the iconic Taronga Zoo and Taronga Conservation Society Australia to help them further their vision to secure a future for our wildlife,” said The Star’s Managing Director, Greg Hawkins.

“We have almost 5,000 team members, many of them are passionate about conservation and we are very pleased to support the Koala breeding program.

“We welcome the opportunity to learn more about this iconic species and the threats to their survival in order to inspire The Star’s employees to take action.”

The partnership will provide opportunities for The Star employees to support the cause by nominating to make a regular contribution through their pay-roll, or taking part in hands on volunteering for Taronga Zoo.

Taronga Conservations Society Australia CEO, Cameron Kerr said, “Corporate support of our conservation work expands the Zoos capability.”

“We are particularly pleased to be working closely with The Star’s staff and look forward to their support of our wildlife conservation endeavours,” said Kerr.

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