Yarra Trams announces 2024 community partners

community partners

Yarra Trams announces six new organisations taking part in the latest round of its Community Partnerships Program – securing the opportunity to feature a campaign on one of Melbourne’s iconic trams. 

Since 2018, Yarra Trams has provided in-kind advertising to charities and not-for-profit organisations to promote the impressive work they do in the community. 

The theme for the 2024 program is Uplift, Empower and Grow, with participating organisations supporting equal opportunity, uplifting vulnerable or marginalised communities, and promoting resilience and sustainability. 

Thirteen organisations were shortlisted and invited to submit an expression of interest, which were assessed by a panel of business, government and community leaders. 

“Melbourne’s tram network is not just about getting passengers from A to B, we have an opportunity to help our communities by promoting the invaluable work these organisations do,” said Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll. 

The six community organisations that will feature on the world’s largest tram network in 2024 are: 

  • Bailey House’s Hidden Disability Sunflower is a project which encourages inclusivity, acceptance and understanding for people with hidden disabilities. Bailey House support people with intellectual disabilities to live full, meaningful lives while receiving the support they require, when and where they require it. 
  • DeadlyScience which provides STEM resources and mentoring to marginalised youth from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. Their DeadlyLearners program brings scientists to the classroom to encourage students to consider STEM-based careers. 
  • Switchboard is an organisation which provides peer-driven support services for LGBTIQA+ people, their families, allies, and communities. Switchboard offers a range of support programs focusing on gender and sexuality, diverse relationships, suicide prevention, family violence support, anti-racism advocacy, and social inclusion for older members of the LGBTQIA+ community. 
  • Tradeswomen Australia which works to increase the representation of women in skilled trade roles. The organisation runs diversity and inclusion programs for workplaces, training, mentoring and support programs for jobseekers and advocation of career paths for communities and schools. 
  • Western Chances which offers scholarships, opportunity programs and ongoing support to give young people in Melbourne’s west the chance to fulfil their potential and overcome barriers to success. 
  • WISE Employment which is a not-for-profit organisation providing job placement services, labour services and training to people with disability and other disadvantages. 

“Selecting just six organisations to partner with every year is incredibly difficult, but we are delighted to highlight the selfless work of our 2024 partners on our trams and how they are making Melbourne a better, fairer, and more sustainable place to live and work,” said Yarra Trams’ Chief Executive Carla Purcell. 

The first tram, featuring the Western Chances campaign, will hit the network in late-December and remain in service for three months. 

Yarra Trams is the world’s largest tram network with more than 250 kilometres of double track connecting communities across Melbourne and is proudly operated by Keolis Downer. 

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Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.

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