Workplace Giving: A Vital Component of Corporate Culture


Workplace Giving Australia has released compelling donor research highlighting the growing importance of corporate giving programs.

The study surveyed employees from various Australian businesses, revealing valuable insights into the workforce’s expectations and experiences with workplace giving.

The research showed that employees care deeply about causes and charities, with 51% of respondents expressing a desire to be involved in selecting cause areas.

This indicates that over half of the workforce is genuinely concerned about social issues. Consequently, this creates a significant opportunity for employers to engage with their staff and initiate meaningful conversations about charitable involvement.

Moreover, the study found that 51% of respondents identified a ‘lack of communication and understanding around the program’ as the most significant barrier to participating in workplace giving.

This emphasises the need for organisations to educate their employees about these programs, turning them into opportunities for social engagement and talent retention.

The desire for simplicity in giving also emerged as a crucial factor, with 29% of respondents indicating that ease of giving would encourage their participation.

This opportunity allows workplaces to simplify employees’ lives while simultaneously building organisational culture and connecting with surrounding communities.

Senior External Communications & Social Investment Specialist with SEEK Limited Andy Maxey, commented on the success of SEEK’s Small Change program. “SEEK’s Small Change program is celebrating 10 years in 2024 and is exemplary of a point of choice, focused program.”

“It was built with the involvement of SEEKers and has always been supported from the top down,” he added.

“A couple of the attributes of the program that really make it resonate are: SEEK matching donations, dollar for dollar; a simple sign up at onboarding and then payroll manages the process; and the Small Change Ambassadors make sure the program is shared across the business – visually and emotionally.

CEO of Workplace Giving Australia David Mann stressed the essential role of workplace giving in corporate culture. “As this most recent data shows, workplace giving is an essential part of corporate DNA.”

“To just have a program in place is the bare minimum, and we know that employees and the wider community expect so much more. We encourage all stakeholders to dive into these critical findings, reflect, and adjust giving in the workplace to keep up with these new giving trends,” he continued.

“Giving in the workplace is the smartest way to give, and we look forward to working with all Australian corporates to leverage their talent, communities and goodwill to make giving part of everyday life.”

He goes on to say, “Harnessing the combined power of corporate philanthropy with the 13.8 million strong Australian workforce has the strength to change the landscape not only for charities but for the community more broadly while making better workplaces for the workforce.”

This article was also published on Comms Room.

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