WA Alliance to End Homelessness announces dynamic new team

WA Alliance to End Homelessness

A new dynamic team has been appointed to drive the work of the WA Alliance to End Homelessness.

Philippa Boldy and Allan Connolly, Co-Chairs of the WA Alliance, are pleased to announce that David Pearson has been appointed as Executive Officer for the WA Alliance to End Homelessness.

“David’s appointment to this role will drive WA’s priorities. As CEO of the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness, his WA focus, alongside his national role provides the opportunity for greater alignment of the work of both the Australian and the WA Alliance,” said Ms Boldy.

“This will offer enormous new opportunities to bring into WA in real time the shared learning from around Australia and the world about what it takes to end homelessness.”

These new arrangements will strengthen the capacity of the WA Alliance to implement its strategy by supporting those evidence-based projects that end homelessness while engaging key partners across government, not for profits and the broader community.

David Pearson is joined by John Berger as Director of Engagement and Strategic Projects, Michala McMahon as Director of Practice and Improvement, Royceton Hardey Social Media Co-ordinator and Sarah Quinton who will commence in September as Manager Communications and Events.

This new team has been made possible by the Sisters of St John of God who have agreed to support the WA Alliance’s important work over the next four years. The Sisters have said they are delighted to partner with such effective organisations working towards a shared goal of safe homes and an end to homelessness for those who are so vulnerable.

“This is a transformative opportunity for the WA Alliance and the Steering Group in collaboration with Shelter WA who together have appointed the team to drive our effort to end homelessness in WA,” said Mr Connolly.

David Pearson, Executive Officer said, “Ending homelessness is possible and communities and countries around the world are demonstrating just that. This investment from the Sisters of St John of God will be transformative in our efforts to end homelessness in Western Australia.”

“I’m thrilled to be taking on this new role, alongside a fantastic team and broader Alliance partners who share the common goal. In the depths of winter and amid an ongoing pandemic and national housing crisis – this work couldn’t be more important or urgent.”

“We know that homelessness can only end when the whole community is aligned in its efforts to support a range of solutions that will end homelessness. We encourage you, if you’re not familiar, to learn more about the strategy and how you can get involved with the WA Alliance on our website.”

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Lourdes Antenor is an experienced writer who specialises in the not-for-profit sector and its affiliations. She is the content producer for Third Sector News, an online knowledge-based platform for and about the Australian NFP sector.

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