Survey released on not-for-profit job satisfaction

The survey, conducted by Windsor Recruitment in conjunction with the Queensland University of Technology’s School of Management, set out to investigate perceptions of organisational culture in the not-for-profit sector, focusing on issues of job satisfaction, turnover, and employee and volunteer retention.

Interviewees were asked to rate their job sastisfaction out of five. The survey reported an average level of satisfaction at 3.9 for employees and 4.3 for volunteers.

Thirty not-for-profit organisations participated in the survey, ranging across the different areas of youth, animal, disability, aged care, foundations and research. Within these organisations, 348 employees and 108 volunteers were interviewed.

Based on the findings, the survey also identified areas for improvement in not-for-profit organisations, including:

  • Recognition and rewards
  • Learning and development
  • Participation in decisions
  • Change communication
  • Volunteer/employee relations
  • Employee concern values.

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