Social media is here to stay

The Victorian bushfires is a recent example, and probably one of the first Australian disasters, where social media was used to communicate vital information. The mainstream media, faced with limitations, used social networking sites in their coverage. Twitter, flickr, YouTube and Facebook were used extensively to connect and communicate with the community.

For the uninitiated, engaging with social media can be a daunting and messy task. How do you use the countless tools, applications and features? Whoever the next users of your services are, chances are social media is going to assist you achieve your goal, increase your network and reach out.

The Connecting Up 09 conference aims to bring the latest information to non-profit organisations about social media in Sydney on 11 and 12 May.

The conference brings together an impressive list of keynote speakers, who have given their time to come together to discuss and debate the conference theme “How technology, social media and networking is changing the way non-profit organisations operate, communicate and connect with their supporters, members and beneficiaries.”

Keynote speakers include:

  • Engineering Director, Google Australia;
  • Managing Director, Microsoft Australia;
  • Cheryl Kernot, Director, Centre for Social Impact, University of NSW;
  • Mark Pesce, social network guru, writer, New Inventors panellist;
  • Digital Media Manager ABC;
  • Executive Director of Social Actions Canada;
  • Executive Director of Aspirations USA.

Wednesday 13 May offers an opportunity to attend a full day workshop with Jay Dedman and Ryanne Hodson and learn how to use free tools to create and publish powerful videos.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to attend the conference.

Find out more at or email
+61 2 9280 3677

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