Organisations working to fight climate change can now apply for a visionary grant

visionary grant

The Australian Ethical Foundation’s Visionary Grants program’s 2022 Visionary Grants public funding round is live.

The program works alongside the Strategic Grants program to ensure that proper support for early-stage projects has the potential for a large impact in the fight against climate change. The program can also support a wide array of high-impact, effective and innovative climate projects and solutions.

Any Australian charity that focuses on stopping sources of carbon, supporting carbon sinks, and empowering women and girls can begin sending in their expressions of interest (EOI).

Additionally, the organisation must be based in Australia, have an ABN, an Australian bank account and be a not-for-profit organisation with relevant documentation to prove it.

Alongside funding direct projects specifically targeting the issues aiding climate solutions, they will also consider applicants using the following methods to drive broad systems to change across our focus areas outlined above:

  • Strategic climate and nature litigation
  • Advocacy campaigns and policy engagement
  • Community organising, community engagement and community empowerment
  • Research projects and communication of new methodologies and technologies

The foundation has $500,000 to donate, so if you are part of an organisation that has a vision for a better world, EOI’s will be accepted till September 13 2022 (5 PM AEST).

For more information on the grant and application process, visit Australian Ethical’s Australian Ethical’s website

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Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.

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