Nominate for the Non-Profit Sector Reform Council

The Non-Profit Sector Reform Council will be established for an initial period of one year to support the Office for the Non-Profit Sector to implement the Government’s commitment to smarter regulation, reduced red tape and improved transparency and accountability of the sector.

The role of the Council is to provide advice to the Office on the Government’s not-for-profit reform agenda. The Council will meet up to four times a year and provide advice on:

  • The role, feasibility and design options for a national ‘one-stop-shop’ regulator for the sector
  • Streamlining Commonwealth Government tendering and contracting processes for government funded non-profit organisations, including the development of a common form contract
  • Harmonisation of fundraising and other state and territory legislation
  • Additional recommendations contained in the Productivity Commission’s Research Report on the Contribution of the Not-for-Profit Sector.

The Council will also support the implementation of the National Compact: working together.

The Council is now calling for members who reflect the diversity of the non-profit sector to nominate for the Non-Profit Sector Reform Council. Members will need to meet a number of criteria which include having strong industry networks, and the professional knowledge and expertise to advise the Government on matters relevant to the sector as a whole.

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