Organisations can register on GrantConnect at to find out about current and upcoming opportunities. In addition to new opportunities, information on grants awarded are now being published on GrantConnect. For the first time, the reporting of grants awarded is centralised in one location, in a consistent and transparent format.
The Commonwealth is also developing standardised whole-of-government templates for grant opportunity guidelines and grant agreements. These key documents will have the same look and feel across government agencies and have been developed in consultation with non-government stakeholders.
The grant opportunity guidelines templates aim to provide clear, consistent and adequate information for potential grant applicants in a format that is expected to be easier to navigate and clearly assist applicants to submit a grant application.
Trialling of the grant agreements templates is underway and will continue over coming months. These templates build on the Australian Government’s low-risk grant agreement template, launched in 2014. The grant agreement templates seek to standardise terms and conditions as well as ease legal costs and timeframes for non-government organisations. Eighteen agencies are currently trialling the grant agreement templates.
When finalised, the templates will be published on the Department of Finance website for agencies, organisations and interested individuals.