New association appointments

Mercy International Association has recently announced that Mary Purcell has been appointed to the position of Assistant Director Global Action.

Purcell has worked in overseas development with both governmental and non-governmental organisations in a variety of roles. Currently Purcell works as a consultant with development and human rights organisations, and teaches a programme on human rights at University College, Dublin.

The Accommodation Association of Australia has recently announced the election of three new directors to its national board: Rachel Argaman from Toga Hospitality, Mark Hodge from Mantra and Dino Mezzatesta from Accor.

Rachel Argaman is the Chief Executive Officer of Toga Hospitality, one of Australia’s largest accommodation providers that currently operates 51 apartment hotels in Australia, New Zealand and Europe.

Mark Hodge is Group Director of Operations at the Mantra Group, and Dino Mezzatesta has over 20 years’ experience in the hospitality and tourism industry, both in the international and Australian market, and is currently General Manager for Accor’s Franchise Hotels in Australia and New Zealand.

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