Intensive day of learning a success

The Seminar was attended by a variety of not-for-profits (NFPs), including member-benefit groups, community, health and sporting groups, representing a selection of the diversity of organisations which make up the sector, and making for interesting conversation and reflections upon a variety of experiences.

Speakers included Terri Smith, CEO, Optometrists Association Australia – Victoria division, Chris Giles, General Manager – Executive Services, Surf Lifesaving Australia, Laurice Temple, Victorian and Tasmanian President, National Association of Women in Construction and Ian Porter, CEO, Alternative Technology Association.

Speakers presented case studies from their own governance experience; presentations were varied, and addressed the challenges, successes and lessons learnt in board management and strategic governance.

Following the presentations, speakers participated in an honest and insightful panel session, chaired by Simon Pryor, president of the Australian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE).

During the panel, delegates were encouraged to maximise professional development opportunities by discussing speakers’ presentations, issues within the sector, and reflecting on their own experiences of governance in their NFP.

Discussion topics included the education and experience of panellists, the value of mentoring, how to engage Generation Y, and the importance of succession planning for board members and association managers.

The afternoon saw a presentation from NFP strategic advisor Steven Bowman. In his characteristic enthusiasm, Steven led a dynamic interactive workshop with delegates, discussing, amongst other topics, the importance of strategic planning, vision statements and strategic board meetings.

Delegates reflected that the Seminar was informative, honest and highly enjoyable, and Third Sector thanks speakers and delegates for their attendance.

Further reflection on the day will be available in the May edition of Third Sector magazine.

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