How to effectively grow your association’s membership

Membership recruitment and retention expert Kevin Cahalane will be teaching not-for-profits (NFPs) the ten stages of membership growth and how they can earn revenue from each of them at Third Sector Expo 2012.

Kevin will explain how to plan, promote and implement a member recruitment campaign; maximise revenue from current members; and capture potential members to build a sustainable future for their organisation.

Cahalane is a master of membership growth and specialises in:

  • Member recruitment
  • Member retention and engagement
  • Member renewals and lost member ‘win back’
  • Growing member revenue
  • Membership (and donor) sales
  • Excellence in member services.

Over the past 18 years, Cahalane has worked with some of Australia’s top NFP organisations including CPA Australia, Real Estate Institute NSW, Financial Planning Association of Australia, Victorian Arts Centre, Victoria University, RSL Victoria, Save the Children, Institute of Professional Work’s Engineers NSW, Crohn’s and Colitis Association, Pharmacy Guild of Australia, the Law Society of Western Australia and Deakin University Students Association.

To benefit from Cahalane’s expertise, and a range of other experts in the NFP sector, register now. There are only a limited number of tickets remaining.

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