Future2 Foundation opens nominations for its grants program


Future2 Foundation launched nominations for its annual Make the Difference! grants program, inviting financial services professionals to nominate causes close to their hearts. 

This year, Future2 aims to empower the financial services sector to bolster financial well-being across Australia. It comes after surveys have revealed a concerning decline in financial literacy in the country, highlighting the need for impactful financial literacy initiatives. 

With this year’s focus on furthering financial well-being in Australia, Future2 introduced four categories to the 2024 Make the Difference! grants program:  

1. Financial wellbeing for young Australians 

Financial literacy and education programs for people under 25. 

2. Financial well-being for those living in regional/remote Australia  

Initiatives enhancing financial literacy in regional and remote communities. 

3. Financial literacy for women 

Financial literacy programs for disadvantaged women in Australia. 

4. Financial well-being for Australians in need 

Financial literacy programs for Australians in need including those impacted by mental health, social isolation, domestic violence, homelessness, or poverty, and for those from First Nations and Refugee & Migrant communities. 

“The financial services sector is better placed than any other sector to drive change and inspire greater financial wellbeing,” said Future2 Chair Julie Berry

“We are excited about this renewed focus,  aligning the grants program with the financial services sector to support Australians in building stronger financial futures.” 

Through the Make the Difference! grants program, financial services professionals can nominate a cause to receive funding to help lift the levels of financial literacy across the country. 

Make the Difference! is Future2’s flagship fundraising initiative aimed at supporting grassroots community causes nationwide.  

All financial services professionals are invited to nominate a program for a chance to receive funding of up to $10,000.  

Since 2007, Future2 has awarded over $1.6 million in grant funding to 150+ grassroots initiatives across the country. 

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Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.

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