Five minutes with…Christine Brill

I’ve been a member of AuSAE for/since…
I think I have been a member probably since the mid 1990s and I found it by accident – or it found me, I think is the truth. It was being promoted at a meeting, so I joined.

The most valuable thing about my AuSAE membership is…
That it is all about me and development of me as a professional association manager and having access to the Certified Association Executive (CAE). I now like that as a board member I can hopefully make a contribution to AuSAE in return for the assistance it has given me.

Before I was an association executive I was…
A child! I have been with the AMA (ACT) for 25 years.

If I wasn’t an association executive I would be…
I don’t know, really. I like what I do for a living, so aren’t I one of the fortunate ones?

The thing that gets me out of bed every morning is…
Breakfast! I use my tea and toast time to read the daily newspapers, scanning for media reports that may affect the association and its members. This is my quiet time of the day.

My career highlight would have to be…
I think without a doubt this would be being awarded the AMA (ACT) President’s Award for my contribution to the medical profession in the Territory through my role with the AMA. It was such a lovely thing to receive.

I love working in this sector because…
The list is long. But, I’m going to be a bit corny, and say that I like that I work with people who genuinely and selflessly want to make a difference and who give of their time so generously to achieve this basic objective. When people come together as associations, they can make a positive difference for their colleagues and for society.

The trouble with some associations is…
Not going there!

As a manager it’s important to…
There are many things I could say, but in the interests of this not being an epic, I think that engaging people with the best skills and qualifications the association can afford makes life as an association manager easier, and their contribution is critical to one’s success as the CEO and to the association more broadly.

The relationship between CEO and board is…
Critical to the success of both and an understanding of the respective roles is fundamental to this if the association is to achieve the strategic objectives of the board.

I am inspired by…
People of talent and intelligence.

When I am not working you can find me…
In the garden!

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