First Nations Foundation launches new podcast “Rich Blak Women”

First Nations Foundation

Launching as part of NAIDOC Week to recognise the contributions First Nations women make to country and society, national Indigenous not-for-profit First Nations Foundation has released a new seven-part podcast series “Rich Blak Women” exploring Indigenous perspectives on money, identity, business, and community.

The series follows stories of culture, challenge, and resilience from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women – rich in culture, value, and mindset. Conversations aim to deepen awareness about the unique economic inequities First Nations women face, investigate success and connection to culture, empower financial wellbeing through shared experiences and learnings, and build community and allies.

The First Nations line-up of guests include Leah Bennett (Board Director at First Nations Foundation and Financial Crime Manager), Mikaela French (Native Title solicitor), Dorothy Smith (Palm Island Women’s Healing Centre coordinator), Allira Davis (Uluru Youth Manager), Tanya Denning-Orman (Director of Indigenous Content, SBS & NITV), Allira Potter (intuitive healer and author), and Dixie Crawford (Managing Director, Nganya).

Host, Larisha Jerome, is a proud Jarowair, Wakka Wakka, and Wulli Wulli woman who grew up on Darug Country in Western Sydney and has an extensive background in banking, women’s health, government, and community services. She leads the Foundation’s Women’s Financial Wellness work addressing the economic injustice First Nations people face and empowering women to achieve full financial wellness and independence.

“Part of our work at First Nations Foundation is helping women overcoming limiting beliefs when it comes to being economically empowered, through a holistic approach to achieving overall financial wellness and becoming leaders

in their community,” Jerome said. “This podcast provides insight into the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, their journeys to success, money stories, and how they are giving back to their community.” 

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Lourdes Antenor is an experienced writer who specialises in the not-for-profit sector and its affiliations. She is the content producer for Third Sector News, an online knowledge-based platform for and about the Australian NFP sector.

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