Engaging members through magazines

What’s the value of a print magazine?

The print magazine allows my members to keep track of events and industry developments, anytime and anywhere. It’s a great resource for quick reference.

Why did you choose to outsource the design of your magazine?

I am of the view that specialisation is the key to productivity and effective cost management, hence why do what others do better?

Why did you choose Third Sector Services?

I have been monitoring the Third Sector magazine on a regular basis and both the quality and look of the publication was one that I was searching for in an association magazine.

How has the new magazine been received by readers and advertisers?

Without hesitation the first issue that Third Sector Services produced was outstanding in look, feel and layout, which was extremely well received by both the members and advertisers.

How useful is the complimentary media kit Third Sector Services creates for ongoing clients like IHEA?

Without doubt the media kit prepared by Third Sector Services was the major selling point in convincing advertisers – it is functional and has a very professional look.

Why would you recommend working with Third Sector Services?

Without sounding gratuitous, the services provided by Third Sector Services is both professional and friendly, and very flexible, as in my case I am always behind schedule!

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