Connecting Up: 5 not-for-profit technology topics that you need to know more about

During the Connecting Up 2011 conference, to be held from 1–3 June 2011 in Melbourne at the Crown Conference Centre, there will be a number of expert presenters and speakers explaining the benefits and uses of these technologies to employees, decision makers, contractors, and other stakeholders in the not-for-profit , charity, and community sectors.

Below is a list of the speakers, and the technologies they will be speaking on, from the Connecting Up 2011 program:

  • Keynote speaker Holly Ross (ICT planning) will be presenting on how to lead technology change in the sector
  • Keynote speaker Allen Gunn (Open source) will be holding an interactive session on the impact of Open Source software in the not-for-profit sector
  • Ravi Shetty (Google Australia) and Ian Ryder (appiChar) will be speaking on Cloud Computing
  • Christian Stanta (TACSI), Michael Dovey (AroundYou), Sarah Pulis (Media Access Australia), and Tim Molloy (MYOB) will be speaking on web accessibility and building websites
  • Darren Rowse (Blogging for Good) and Shai Coggins (Growing your social media) will be presenting on social media.
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