National Youth Week organisers are looking for an enthusiastic person to represent indigenous young people in the planning of National Youth Week 2010.
The Federal Government has released a guidance to safeguard non-profit organisations against terrorism financing.
Seven University of Queensland Business School students learnt a valuable entrepreneurship lesson this semester – business isn't just about making money, it's about improving peoples' quality of life.
An interactive and engaging multimedia exhibition that showcases government plans and programs to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger throughout the world by 2015 is currently touring the country.
Private Prescribed Funds will now be known as Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs), one of a number of changes announced when new draft guidelines were released (25/06/09) by Assistant Treasurer Nick Sherry.
Based on the realities of a fluctuating economy what is the forecast for charity events? How can charities plan a successful event in this climate? How can charities manage with less corporate support? These were ...
Join a roundtable of charity event professionals from Leukaemia Foundation, Whitelion and Epworth Foundation along with Third Sector editor Zelda Tupicoff to explore the different solutions to staying one step ahead in charity events this ...
Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been awarded to two researchers to fund further research into causes and cures for childhood cancer.
The annual Red Nose Day fundraiser for SIDS and Kids will take place this year on Friday 26 June.
Connecting Up Conference in Sydney recently heard that Australia's charities and community groups are surging towards free and low cost social media and mobile technologies to reach their clients and donors.