Board scholarships awarded to directors of charitable organisations

The successful scholarship applicants come from a variety of backgrounds, including community health and welfare, provision of support for disadvantaged people, as well as international aid and development and sustainability.

The training programs awarded to the eight charity directors include: two full scholarships for the Company Directors Course; two full scholarships for the Foundations of Directorship suite; and four full scholarships for The Not-for-Profit Board (an In-Focus program).

Primarily reliant on fundraising to achieve their social objectives, charitable organisations often find it difficult, if not impossible, to allocate a budget for their board’s professional development.

John Colvin FAICD, Chief Executive Officer of AICD and Chairman of CanAssist, said the directors of Australia’s charitable organisations play a vital role in our community and AICD is committed to supporting them.

“Many people depend on charities to participate in society. Effective charity boards are critical to the ongoing survival and future development of our charities that are supporting those most in need,” Mr Colvin said.

Amy Lyden, Chief Executive Officer of ASF, said that the scholarships awarded supported ASF’s mission to build the capacity of not-for-profit organisations and were an important expansion of ASF’s portfolio of scholarships.

“We are delighted to partner with the AICD and help address the growing recognition by the non-profit sector of the need for more professional board leadership,” Ms Lyden said.

The scholarships have been funded equally by AICD and ASF; they range in value from $870 for The Not-for-Profit Board one-day program to $8,200 for the five-day Company Directors Course.

The scholarship recipients and the courses they will attend are as follows:

Course: Company Directors Course , valued at $8,200
AICD’s comprehensive five-day program, leading to a qualification recognised by the director community both in Australia and overseas.

Vernon Fettke MAICD (VIC)
Director, Mambourin Enterprises, Wyndham Community Foundation; promotes independent living to the disabled.

Tim Curran (NSW)
CEO, Carewest Inc; Director, Compass Housing; provides support services to disadvantaged people in regional NSW.

Course: Foundations of Directorship, valued at $2,610
A suite of six AICD orientation courses for directors (6 half-days or 3 full days), including:
The Role of the Director and the Board;
Introduction to Board Meetings and Governance;
Introduction to Financial Information for Directors;
Assessing Financial Performance for Directors;
Introduction to the Strategic Role of the Director; and
Risk: Issues for Directors

Lincoln Hopper (NSW)

Executive Leader, Community Services, Mission Australia; a nationwide community services organisation with particular focus on homelessness, unemployment and youth.

Lyn Jones (WA)
General Manager, Strategy, Silver Chain Nursing Association; Director, People Who Care; provider of community, residential and health services.

Course: The Not-for-Profit Board, valued at $870
An AICD In-Focus program, conducted over one full-day. Part 1 explores the specific issues for the director or council / committee member in a Not-for-Profit environment. Part 2 focuses on a Not-for-Profit’s financial statements and how to assess organisational performance

Darren Lomman (WA)

CEO, Dreamfit Foundation; designs innovative recreational equipment for people with disabilities.

Phillip Kingston (VIC)

Vice Chairman, Centre for Sustainability Leadership; empowers young people through education to make their communities more sustainable.

Theresa Fischer (QLD)
Director, Aliamos; humanitarian NGO, empowering communities globally.

Lisa Grinham (NSW)
Chair, Daystar Foundation; works with children to help increase their connection to school.

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