Grants for NFPs supporting disadvantaged youth

Grants for NFPs supporting disadvantaged youth

UN LTD, the foundation representing Australia’s media, marketing and advertising industry, is calling on charities dedicated to UNdoing youth disadvantage to submit proposals for support in 2015.

Latest appointments

YMCA NSW and Impact Investing Australia appoint new CEOs and Social Ventures Australia elects a new Consulting Leader.

Grants for NFPs supporting disadvantaged youth

UN LTD, the foundation representing Australia’s media, marketing and advertising industry, is calling on charities dedicated to UNdoing youth disadvantage to submit proposals for support in 2015.

Going digital

Third Sector Editor Sarah Harding outlines why we decided to create a digital magazine to complement the hardcover publication.

$1 million to tackle challenging social issues

Collaboration for Impact, an initiative of the Centre for Social Impact and Social Leadership Australia has announced the shortlist of 11 communities that are in the running to be the selected community to receive a resource pool of up to $1 million to tackle some of Australia’s most complex and challenging social issues.

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