Volunteering experts advise government on strategy


The role of the Volunteering Policy Advisory Group has been to provide advice to the Government on its development of a National Volunteering Strategy, to be released in 2011.

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector Senator Ursula Stephens met with key leaders from the community to inform the new strategy.

“This strategy will provide a framework for developing policy across all levels of government to encourage a more vibrant and responsive volunteering environment,” she said.

Input to the Strategy has been sought from a range of key stakeholders and partners including a Volunteering Policy Advisory Group, state and territory governments, Volunteering Australia, other peak bodies representing volunteering issues, volunteers and volunteer based organisations, and corporate Australia.

An on-line survey has also been developed to obtain feedback on the issues raised in the consultation paper. Responses to the survey close on 25 July 2010.

Further information about the group and the progress of the National Volunteering Strategy is available on the Social Inclusion website.

Volunteering in South Australia in 2010

The Volunteering in South Australia in 2010 survey, conducted with more than 1,500 respondents in South Australia, reveals that more than half of all South Australians volunteer.

In total, the survey revealed that a combined number of 69 per cent of the South Australians – more than 830,000 individuals – donated their time to the community either through local groups or through helping individuals.

The survey also asked the participations for their motivations to volunteer: 45 per cent said it was to help others or the community, 14 per cent said to give something back, while twelve per cent noted personal satisfaction as a motive.

The survey also found that ‘Word of mouth’ continues to be the greatest trigger to get people volunteering, and ‘Work commitments’ is the biggest reason cited for not volunteering (40%).

For more information see the Volunteering in South Australia in 2010 survey.