Third Sector to present $1,000 grant to NFP


Third Sector was selected to judge the winner of a $US1,000 cash grant and present the award at an e-gala on 30 September 2011.

Earlier this year, The CTK Foundation partnered with Connecting Up Australia to offer major grants of funds and technology to NFPs in Australia and New Zealand. Organisations of all sizes and types were invited to channel their creativity and dedication into a short poem about their mission.

Associate Editor of Third Sector Candice de Chalain says “I am delighted to be able to reward a not-for-profit organisation for all their hard work and creativity. Working with the not-for-profit sector in our news, jobs board, publishing and events services, I come across many inspirational organisations and it is an honour to be given the opportunity to recognise them.”

The winners of The CTK Foundation and Connecting Up Australia’s grants will be announced online 30 September 2011, when Third Sector will present the $US1,000 cash grant to their selected not-for-profit organisation.