Leadership awards recognise third sector philanthropy and transparency


Australian PwC Transparency Awards

World Vision and Mission Australia have been announced as winner and runner up respectively of the third annual Australian Price Waterhouse Coopers Transparency Awards.

The awards recognise and encourage the improvement of quality and transparency of reporting within the not-for-profit sector.

Rick Millen, PwC Corporate Responsibility Partner said “It is encouraging to see the continuing improvement in the quality and transparency of the reporting of this year’s PwC Transparency Award entrants.

“Transparency is key to conveying a thorough understanding of an organisation to stakeholders and the wider community; it is not just a process.”

Gina Anderson, spokesperson for the Jury and CEO of Philanthropy Australia said “In a 24/7 digital world, donors, volunteers, business, government and the community are increasingly demanding that not-for-profit organisations get better at telling their stories: what they do, why and how they do it, and what difference its makes. The transparency agenda is critical to achieving this.”

International Funders for Indigenous People’s Award

The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund have been named as this year’s recipient of the prestigious International Funders for Indigenous People’s (IFIP) Award.

The award is given annually to an individual or institutional donor that exemplifies leadership in Indigenous Philanthropy. This is the first time the award will be presented to an organisation outside of North America.

The IFIP Award recognises the Myer philanthropy’s “outstanding progress towards improving Indigenous education and well-being and support for better natural resource management in Australia.”

Some of the recent work supported by The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund includes the People on Country project of the Centre for Aboriginal and Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University, the Clontarf Foundation’s Football Academies in Alice Springs, and the Stronger Smarter program from the Indigenous Education Leadership Institute.

Christine Edwards, CEO of The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund, will accept the Award at the Annual IFIP Awards Celebration during the Ninth Annual Conference, to be held in May 2010 in Canada.