Effective engagement with the government

Amongst the not-for-profit (NFP) sector there is keen interest in changing landscape, and what these changes mean for the programs and causes championed by your organisation each day.

By understanding what makes the new government tick you can begin to build constructive relationships and maximise opportunities for you organisation.

It’s true that the government will want to demonstrate fiscal responsibility in an attempt to prove its economic credentials to the electorate.

The Coalition understands the enormous value the sector brings, and they will be on the lookout for innovation and efficiencies in the sector.

Where your organisation can demonstrate measurable returns on investment through providing an independent social impact report, independent revenue streams or constructive partnerships with the corporate sector, you will find minister’s and their advisers particularly receptive to your work.

Importantly, the government will not control the new Senate when it commences in July 1, so building relationships with the cross-bench is important and can help you gain significant leverage.

At all times consider how you can frame your issue and objectives so that it will resonate with the values and priorities of those you are engaging with.

Do your research so you understand what these values and priorities are.

About Jo Scard
Fifty Acres founder, Jo Scard has over 25 years’ experience in communications, political advisory and journalism. Scard is one of Australia’s foremost strategic advisers to corporates, government and NFPs.

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