$9.1 million for NFPs with strong applications

Fund management company Perpetual has announced its allocation of $9.1 million in funding to not-for-profits (NFPs) on behalf of its clients, but warns NFPs need to make strong business cases in order to secure future funding.


Perpetual distributes more than $40 million each year on behalf of the charitable trusts.

1,100 NFPs applied for Perpetual’s 2011 funding round, but only 166 were successful. This means approximately one in seven NFPs received funding, exposing the competitive business of fund applications.

General Manager of Philanthropy at Perpetual Andrew Thomas says competition for funding is growing consistently.

“The organisations that are successful in receiving philanthropic funds are the ones able to outline a business case based on outcomes, rather than relying on emotional appeal.”

“Funding applications are not about writing a donor appeal letter; they need to be tailored and link the money invested to defined community outcomes,” said Thomas.

Each application is assessed and rated according to strategy, outcomes, capability and leadership.

Thomas said NFPs are often good at outlining their niche and plans for collaboration, but struggle to demonstrate their efficiency, effectiveness and risk management.

“This doesn’t necessarily mean that these organisations aren’t efficient or effective, they just aren’t good at communicating it on paper. To successfully compete for funding, NFPs need to become more business-minded in their applications.”

Third Sector Services Manager Candice de Chalain says NFPs that are able to communicate their story in a way that speaks directly to business-minded philanthropists are more likely to be successful with their application.

She says, “NFPs must be able to strongly articulate community outcomes. However, NFPs often don’t have the in-house experts required to do so, putting them at a disadvantage.

With charitable funding being a crucial element of all NFPs, it is often worthwhile outsourcing the creation of funding applications to industry experts so an association has the best chance possible of securing funding.”