$4 million available in grants

To commemorate 50 years of philanthropy in Australia, The Ian Potter Foundation has announced a $4 million anniversary grants program for 2014.


Not-for-profit (NFP) organisations nationally are invited to apply for grants between $200,000 and $500,000 for one-off payments in 2014.

“The Foundation hopes these grants will support ideas that support transformation with practical and sustainable results which will have long-term impact. This $4 million commemorative grants program will run in tandem with our normal grants program bringing the Foundation’s total grants in 2014 to over $20 million,” says Mr Charles Goode AC, Chairman, The Ian Potter Foundation.

“We are looking for ideas and opportunities that will support the development of strong, cohesive and resilient Australian communities,” says Janet Hirst, CEO, The Ian Potter Foundation.

Applications close on 25 February 2014.