$13,000 scholarship available for not-for-profit executives

Executives of Australian not-for-profit organisations can now apply for a scholarship designed to progress their career, strengthen their leadership skills and increase the impact of their work in the community.


The scholarship provides a twelve month mentoring program and a trusted confidential advisor to assist the recipient:

  • Develop their leadership skills and capacity
  • Build confidence and resilience
  • Clarify their goals and career path
  • Broaden networks
  • Manage challenging workplace issues
  • Gain support from board and other stakeholders.

The scholarship recipient will also receive copies of McCarthy Mentoring guides, research and best practice tools, and will be invited to attend McCarthy Mentoring lunches. The program is valued at $13,000.

Applicants will be assessed based on their:

  • Potential for leadership (skills and/or expertise)
  • Need for career support and mentoring
  • Capacity to influence and make an impact within their organisation and the third sector.