AICD welcomes new Director to the National Board

National Board

The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) announces the appointment of Mr Ian Hamm MAICD as a director to the National board. 

Hamm has broad experience as a chair and director working across national and state government agencies, business, educational and sporting organisations, and the community and NFP sectors, particularly at executive and governance levels. 

He is a proud Yorta Yorta man from Shepparton in Victoria, chairs and is a member of a number of boards, including the Indigenous Land & Sea Corporation, First Nations Foundation, Yarra Valley Water and the Australian Red Cross.  

“I believe there should be Aboriginal people at the highest places in the Australian economy, having Aboriginal people involved in the decision making of organisations, and I’m very pleased to be taking a seat at the AICD National board table,” said Ian Hamm MAICD. 

Hamm’s appointment consolidates his long-standing association with the AICD, as a Victorian Divisional Councillor, member of the Not-For-Profit Chairs Forum, and a keynote speaker at many AICD events over recent years.

He has extensive experience working in leadership and strategy, overseeing major policy and strategic reforms for government and community organisations and has been deeply involved in Indigenous affairs for many years.

“As a governance organisation committed to lifting the level of Aboriginal participation, I see this as an opportunity to achieve a greater understanding and appreciation of what Aboriginal people can contribute to Australia’s social and economic landscape,” added Hamm.  

AICD chair John Atkin FAICD congratulated Mr Hamm and said his appointment would enrich the work of the Institute with his expertise, specialist skills and insights.

“The AICD has long been an advocate for stronger board diversity. I am looking forward to the unique contribution Ian can make to the National board. I firmly believe the Institute and the board’s decision making will benefit from his lived experience and considerable expertise,” said Atkin. 

Related: AICD announces Scholarship opportunity for NFP leaders 

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Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.

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