AHHA on improving systems to meet needs of the community


Health systems work better if they are designed to meet the contemporary needs of the community and to deliver what they aim to achieve – healthy people who stay that way. 

However, as we have been reminded through National Diabetes Week and with the report Diabetes in Australia 2024, recently tabled by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport demonstrates, our system is nowhere near as good as it needs to be at preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes, from developing in the first place. 

“Fundamental reform of our health system is overdue,” said Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) CEO Kylie Woolcock. 

“Too much of the capacity in our health system is tied up in coping with problems once the surge hits. Some, like COVID, will hit us suddenly,” said Woolcock. 

Others, like diabetes, have increased over decades. For many people with diabetes, especially Type 2 – the most common type – the disease is preventable.  

“The same is true of other chronic diseases; more of us are getting them, we’re getting them younger, and we might have avoided it.” 

According to Woolcock, by focusing much-needed attention on diabetes, the Standing Committee has highlighted, not only the strain the system they are under but also the structural realignment that is required for the system to remain contemporary. 

The report notes that, despite being mostly avoidable, diabetes is the fastest-growing non-communicable disease in Australia, with around 1.5 million Australians living with diabetes and around 500,000 more cases being undiagnosed.  

In 2020-21 diabetes accounted for 10 per cent of all hospitalisations. 

The Committee also reported evidence showing diabetes costs Australians in the order of $17-20 billion a year. 

“Australia is currently spending more on dealing with the impacts of diabetes than all governments in Australia spend on childcare, including preschool,” said Woolcock.  

“This demonstrates why we need a health system that places far greater value on prevention and on health outcomes.” 

“This will require a comprehensive whole of government response.”  

Woolcock also highlighted that the recommendations of the report are a good step in the right direction.  

“Future investments in health must be optimised and directed towards wellness and away from crisis-driven demand,” added Woolcock. 

“We need a shared resolve to put community health needs first, to reduce and manage the prevalence of disease, to intervene early and retain the capacity to treat the disease effectively when prevention, nor early intervention measures are not enough.”  

The current ‘Scope of Practice’ review of the health workforce, the Strengthening Medicare agenda and the recommendations of the Mid-Term Review of the National Health Reform Agreement provide an effective platform for delivering the reform needed to reorientate our healthcare system towards a contemporary, fit for purpose system that will meet the needs and expectations of Australians. 

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Menchie Khairuddin is a writer Deputy Content Manager at Akolade and content producer for Third Sector News. She is passionate about social affairs specifically in mixed, multicultural heritage and not-for-profit organisations.

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