ActionAid reaches out through blogging

ActionAid Australia – a recent rebranding of Austcare – says that it is aiming to set up 10 video blog outreach posts that individuals can report from live, whether within refugee camps, within communities, or on the frontline of war-torn countries.

To realise this study, the organisation will employ successful, independent Australian bloggers “to go out in the field, report and set up the video blogs, and provide training to those in the field”.

As the first blogger to undertake the endeavour, Stilgherrian will record the entire journey, from when he was first approached to be involved through to the conclusion, including all of the social and technical challenges that will be faced along the way.

ActionAid Australia CEO Archie Law said “We know from research that for the public to engage with social causes, they need to see outcomes from their dollar donations, not just the devastation. This activity demonstrates both in the most visible way.

“We know that engaging with social media is an important part of communicating with our supporters, that’s why we’ve chosen to launch in this way. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that any anti-poverty agency around the world has established blog outposts in this way.”

ActionAid Australia is affiliated with ActionAid International, an anti-poverty agency that operates in over 40 countries worldwide.

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