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ACT government invests $22.8m in mental health

2 min read

The ACT government is increasing its support to the mental health sector, with $22.8 million going towards establishing 24-hour supported accommodation for people with complex mental health needs.

The upcoming budget will access the demands of mental health services – from early intervention and preventative measures through to emergency and intensive support – with mental health accommodation and support services.

Minister for Mental Health, Shane Rattenbury, said the new frontline care facilities will boost the care Canberra residents can access.

“By investing $22.8 million in supported accommodation, we are delivering greater support both for people experiencing severe mental health episodes and those managing chronic conditions,” Rattenbury said.

The fund will be spread out over four years with $12.2 million spent on infrastructure costs and a further $10.7 million to manage and run the facilities.

Part of the new boost in funds will go towards establishing a number of supported accommodation facilities that will provide 24 hour care to residents suffering from severe, complex and persistent mental illness. The budget will also invest in a Step-Up-Step-Down facility on the south side of Canberra to provide short term care.

The resources will also go to refurbishing an Extended Care Unit at the Brian Hennessey Rehabilitation Centre for mental health patients transitioning into supported accommodation.

The new investment will complete the mental health rehabilitation services soon to open at the University of Canberra Hospital, which includes both an inpatient ward and an expanded day service for mental health consumers.

“Around one third of Canberrans will need mental health care at some stage in their lives,” Rattenbury said. “This means that our local services and facilities have to expand as our population grows so that people can access the right care when they need it.”

As well as expanding the number of beds available for people with the highest needs, the budget will deliver on the significant increase in funding for services that support Canberra residents seeking mental health recovery techniques.

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